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Aerbrava - SEP(land) rating renewal

Single engine rating SEP(land) renewal


The single-engine aircraft single-pilot rating SEP(land) are valid for two years from the date of issuance or the date of expiry if revalidation has been within the period of validity.


Rating not expired

To revalidate the single-engine SEP (land) rating, as long as the rating has not expired, there are two options:

1- Perform a proficiency check with an examiner, within three months prior to the rating expiration date, so the next expiration date will be two years after the expiration date.
The minimum flight duration is one hour. The check can be done together to revalidate an instrument rating IR(A); in this case the minimum duration of the proficiency check flight is 1:45.
As long as the License has been issued by AESA, the examiner can sign and renew the authorization for two more years without the need for further procedures. If the License has been issued by another authority, the possible subsequent procedures will depend on what this authority provides.
If the Check is carried out three months before the authorization expires, the next expiration date is brought forward, it will be two years after the date on which the verification is made. In this case the examiner cannot sign the rating renewal and it will be processed with AESA.

2- Within the 12 months preceding the expiry of the authorization, 12 hours of flight in the class SEP (land) should be completed, including 6 hours as pilot in command, 12 takeoffs and 12 landings, and flight training of at least one hour with an instructor FI (A) or CRI (A). This flight may be replaced by any other proficiency check or skill test in flight of any other class or type rating.

Expired rating

Prior training must be established based on total and recent flight experience. As a general guide, this training can be:

Expired less than 12 months.
A refresher course consisting of at least two flight sessions of at least one hour of flight each.

Expired more than 1 year and less than 3 years.
A refresher course consisting of at least three flight sessions of at least one hour of flight each.

Expired more than 3 years.
A course, which consists of at least seven hours of theoretical class and five flight sessions, of at least one hour of flight each.

Once the corresponding course is completed, a proficiency check must be carried out with an examiner, the minimum flight duration is one hour. In this case the examiner cannot sign the renewal directly on the License and the it hast to be requested to the corresponding administration.

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